Description of services provided by Company Staff:
- Site visit
- Collect local environmental secondary data
- Collect socio-economic secondary data, which are demography, land use and land
- degradation, planned development activities, archaeological sites, water supply and
- sanitation, community structure and community health, markets, sources and
- distribution of income and cultural properties
- Preparing the Field Survey Action Plan including also stakeholder identification.
- Field Surveys included:
- Biodiversity (flora and fauna) and habitats 3.5.1. Flora & Habitats
- Birds and Bats
- Amphibians and reptiles
- Invertebrates,
- Mammals
- Archaeology
- Socia
- Stakeholder Engagement Plan including support in drafting the plan for future
- consultation and disclosure of the project.
- Livelihood Restoration Plan in order to draft the LRP and preparation of a Social
- Work Plan describing the types of surveys and consultation required to be completed to inform the LRP.